Missing the forest for the trees on the internet...

A while back I built a little shed to house my lawn and garden equipment, and perhaps some beekeeping stuff that was taking up too much space in the workshop. It was mostly made of scrap wood, left over posts that once held clothesline and parts from a deck that we tore down. Once it was together and the outside was closed in with OSB I purchased a roll of house wrap from Lowes and decided that although it would not serve long term without some kind of siding, it might just help in the short term. So I don't know how anyone else puts up house wrap, but what I did was start at the bottom nearest the back and stapled the edge to the wall then rolled it out to an opening and stapled it again, cut it off and went back and added more staples. I then repeated the process with another piece slightly overlapping the previous one. Because there is a giant hole in the middle (the door), I started again from the other side, repeating the process in mirror reverse fashion. Now it is significa...