Okay, so it bothered me last night and I started over. I also based it on the image from the Disstonian Institute. So for those who are interested here it is, with drill holes and all!! There is a faint ghost of the original image in the JPG version below. However, it was distracting, so I removed it from the PDF. Print it on US Letter Paper and double check that you are not doing any scaling and I think it should turn out right. The screw holes are not sized just positioned. The guide holes all have sized circles in them to assist with cutting it out. If you run into any problems or find any discrepancies, let me know! And here is the PDF: Disston D8 Thumbhole Template
It would seem that for each trade vertical, hobby, or even industry in general, when there is a forum for discussion amongst the devotees there is an early question that rises. It is always the same, though the form and syntax may differ slightly. Which "blurf" should I use, from whom shall I purchase it? Many people, rather than asking for advice will phrase this query more as a request for permission. Can I use the "blurf" made by XYZ company, or sold at PQR site. (usually referring to the cheapest or most common one available) Since the time I first came onto the internet, some of these things have changed. I saw the beginnings of eBay, CraigsList, and Amazon. Not to mention Alibaba, Aliexpress, and Temu. I assume there will be more, so forgive me if I try to speak generically to attempt to remain timeless. In this vein, I will refer to forums, and as such I refer to topical NNTP news groups, as well as freestanding web forums, and more lately places like Face...
One of my favorite images of this saw is from the Disstonian site The Disstonian Institution Many templates for saw handles exist online. Such as Craftsmanspace , Two Guys In A Garage , and Blackburn Tools . I just assumed that the popular thumb-hole D8 was one of them. Although I saw it mentioned in a few articles, like those on that paywalled woodworking site, the references to it seem to fall on dead links and 404 pages. After deciding that I will make one myself, I also tracked down someone who mentioned using a template found online. He still had a copy and shared it with me. So I am putting a copy of that file here for all to have. I find no copyright statement in it so I feel comfortable sharing it here. If this changes, and someone wants to claim it as their own, I will happily give them attribution or take it down whichever is appropriate. As well, I am in the process of creating one based on a photograph posted at Blackburn's site http://www.black...
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